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“Pass me not, o gentle saviour
 Hear my humble cry 
 while on others thou art calling 
 Do not pass me by.  
 Saviour Saviour 
 Hear my humble cry 
while on others thou art calling 
Do not pass me by.”
(Frances .J. Crosby, 1868)

Pray this Prayer,

Father of all, who hears everybody, who knows 
everybody’s heart before any prayer is said or
spoken. Lord hear me when I call upon you. 
Forgive me any sin that would hinder, stop 
or will not make you answer my call, my 
praises and my prayers. Lord you alone can 
answer me. No idol can answer me nor can 
my enemies answer me. Lord I pray that your 
mercy shall be upon me and you will hear me 
when ever I call upon you and when ever I cry 
to you. Lord because you are the Omnipresent 
God, do not pass me by and when others are 
crying to you, please hear my cry and let me 
be highly favoured in Jesus Christ Name. Amen.

The blessings and peace of the Lord which surpasses 
all human understanding be upon you now and always. 


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